
No it was not the snooze! Everyone thinks it's the snooze, but no.

"The Cheever Letters" was about a humorous revelation and didn't tackle anything. Nor did "The Dinner Party" or "The Merv Griffin Show." The former was about trouble getting to a party, while the latter mocked/satirized date rape.

It's presented as a mock documentary, not found footage. This review is already pointless.

Was that final scene supposed to be funny? How stupid do you have to be to laugh at the sight of someone hanging themselves? Was that an in joke or another of Family Guy's knocks on Meg being suicidal?

"Eight year olds, dude."

Family Guy was the same lowbrow mediocre pandering junk then that it is now, except limited by a budget. It still had low brow humor about racism, domestic abuse, and anything else the writers think are edgy enough for shock value. Except now the larger budget allows them to do whatever they want no matter how stupid,

They're Family Guy fans, what do you expect? They don't recognize genuine satire when they read it. Not without jokes about 9/11, the 80's, or child molestation thrown in.

In their continuing effort to NOT rip off the Simpsons, they had Kelsey Grammer on, killed off a character, and now will have Conan O'Brien on. Man, imagine if Phil Hartman was alive? They'd be using him too.

I paid 179 for the Zatoichi set.

Even at its best, "The Office" was never close to being laugh out loud funny. The show completely lost sight of its premise whenever it featured the characters outside of the office. It's called "The Office," I mean really.

It's not implausible. She sits at the same table, orders the same thing, uses Stevia every time for her tea. Walt had her routine down cold. And the guys wanted to get Walt in, kill him, and get him out of their hair. Of course they didn't give a shit about his car or the trunk.

The Ricin was the great "see you in hell" moment, and Todd's miserable death was the piece de resistance.

NBC's version of The Office is realism to you guys? Man that's sad.

Wonderful article about an excellent sitcom. I too was very shaky on the show in its first season. I remember reviewing the first season DVD and explaining how the show is mediocre and may not keep me watching for long. We're on season seven and I love the show more than ever, now.

Did you learn nothing from the Step Up movies, sir? Dancing can change the world. I say good day, sir! I say GOOD DAY!

These days if it happened before 1980 it's not worth mentioning I guess.

More like watching it buffer and never actually doing anything player, right? You know what I'm talkin bout!

What about 8 tracks? You couldn't fast forward, or rewind, and had to listen to every single song on the record. So if there was a song you hated because it reminded you of the time your girlfriend broke up with you at the White Castle near Sheboygan, you had to listen to it to get to the songs you liked. Cassettes

Barbershop Quartets or nothing.