
"No Photo!" - the constant cry of every security guard at the Accademia Gallery from now until the end of time.

Haha, very true. There needs to be a Felix/Alison spinoff where they go around and get sloshed.

This show is such a breath of fresh air! And the lengths they go through to create it is mind blowing (seriously, if you haven't looked it up do so). But I just can't seem to get myself to give a shit about Sarah, the main character. All the other clones are so compelling and fleshed out, yet despite having drama up

Where on earth did people get the idea that regrettable sex = rape?! (Nevermind, don't answer that. I know the answer). I was young, I was in college and I did my fair share of hooking up. I've had hookups and felt the next day, "hmmm, that wasn't my best idea, I might regret that in the future," yet there have also

HBO's Jorah is way more tolerable and a hundred times less jilted lover than book Jorah. I like Ian Glen because of that.

Despite being a huge hunger games and YA fan, I agree, I had no inclination to get into Divergent from the trailers. Fellow trusted readers have convinced me to give it a shot, but I'm still not sold on the movie and probably won't see it until I'm wowed by the books (or dragged there by a friend).

What?! Only slutty sluts give things away for free! How will they ever learn how to respect their cookies?

Crucifixion Crisps are probably just communion wafers in a box.

That's why I keep my far-right Facebook friends around. They're always good for a laugh.

Then why are you reading dirt bag?

First off, I am a professional SAT tutor so I see kids tackle this test on a daily basis (I would post my own thread, but alas I was at tutoring and now late to the game). I absolutely agree that it's detrimental to get rid of the writing section. You may not ever write a doctoral thesis in your life, but if you're

I have no problem paying for music if it's by new artists, indie artists, or someone I absolutely love (and therefore worth even more than $10 in my opinion). But if it's JT's new album, or Beyoncé or the like, I could care less. Even if a friend offers me their cd, I'll pay them for it because I know they paid out of

If the mother's dead, then how come the kids look so dead-pan bored? You think they'd be sobbing because their father is inflicting psychological torture on them by forcing them to listen to a decade long story about their deceased mother.

At my store, it was the opposite: keep the kids out of the erotica section. They would've got away with it too if they didn't giggle so damn loud.

Although I love nerds, love loving nerds, love being a nerd and love nerd culture, Big Bang Theory is a terrible show. Canned laughter haunts me in my sleep!!

Oh, but he does give them a chance! You can write FOR James Patterson and he'll feature your name in itty bitty letters underneath his own byline that takes up 3/4 of the cover.

Ugh, James Patterson and his ghost writing makes me sick. Now those are some writers who should be justifiably bitter.

Former Borders employees unite!