Flirty Cardassian Waitress

Strange; among my people, the saying is reversed…

Kanars all round for this table!

Now that would go very differently, with the Cardassian legal system!

Eh. I'd take either!

You'll have to go back and read each one!

I recall them being mentioned as having a greater range here and there, my dear Insect Overlord - maybe in 'Inquisition'?

Typical human lack of taste, I assure you.

I've never turned one down yet!

I suppose from a dispassionate point of view that's quite true; though a life on the line is a life on the line. Ultimately, I believe the stakes boil down to a very intimate and very personal set of outcomes!

O, never

We fail!

The regnar himself is hoarse

I care greatly about many a Riker, my dear Yuri!

If only you had been in command, Winged Hussar!

Those are often problematic.

That's not all that happens!

Has the True Way sponsored your comment, my dear Sheena?

You can have a kanar for such wordplay!

I can't decide, Spicoli323, if this idea is a clever (if somewhat deviant) notion… or if I now need to scrub myself clean in the sonic shower for dwelling on it too long.

No ham for the cloned widow? Truly an evil empire.