Flirty Cardassian Waitress

It's good for your gastrointestinal tract!

Your kanar is on the house!

At the core, I wonder if it's simply a question of unexamined assumptions as part of an immature mindset. I suppose dedicating your concentration to the underpinnings and mechanics of fantastical settings and notions leaves little time for observing the world around you? It might explain why so often, human works of

Well, that's against the rules.

You could have just hopped in an Agony Booth.

I'll hope the beverage, at least, was worth your while!

That's a suspiciously elaborate metaphor.

You're not alone. Time to hit the bottle!

Do try not to drool on your keyboards, dear commentators!

You poor thing. Have a Calaman sherry.

This ship is a part of us all! A part of us all! A part of us all!

And, as if by magic…

My dear stepped_pyramids, have a kanar.

We go into Profit and Lace to reclaim our lives! This we do gladly, for we are - no, I can't even keep a straight face.

All I know is I can't stop drinking either one!

Not just in military training, my dear Prankster36 - though I'm quite certain you're aware of that. I wholeheartedly support your point, and it's only by the grace of the writers that Jake is afforded the dubious outsider's perspective that he is. There are plenty of places where certain professions are afforded a

You've certainly earned your kanar tonight, Elihawk!

I will admit, there were times during the proceedings (I'm thinking of the conversation in the ready room in particular) where I did think they actors were doing a fine job conveying a sense of uncertainty and hesitancy, and trying to compensate by putting on airs that they don't fully understand; a little like a

A terrible human being perhaps, but you'd make a decent Romulan.

Sometimes a kanar is just a kanar.