
Have you ever called your parents on that? I used to complain about being one of ten Jennifer's in every class I ever had, but I've always appreciated not being a Ginnifer/Jinifer/Gynnifer/Jennipher.

I could deal with Aimee, because that's always been the second most popular spelling, but no, these are people who just have no knowledge of how names are spelled, so they write 'Amie' (which has never made it into the top 200 girls' names in the US, while 'Amy' peaked at number 2 and also has been around as a name

You wouldn't believe how many people can't spell Amy.

White people names.

I was hoping y'all would pick this up. Alabama is a fucked up place for reproductive issues, no doubt.

Oh my god that freaks me out. I was exactly 12 minutes from the hospital where I gave birth (and you better believe I timed it), and that drive was still hella uncomfortable whilet contracting and stuff. This sounds like my nightmare.

Safe home birth is illegal, but unsafe home birth is perfectly fine. Everyone knows midwives are just witches who use placentas in their Satanic rituals, right?

So what, quit yer bitchin'.

He was the voice of that character. That's not racist.

I am starting to see America as a second world country with nice clothing, to be honest.

Unless your husband wants to, then you must obey your wifely duties!

Right. Regardless of how safe home birth is compared with giving birth in an obstetrics ward, if there is no such ward where you live, you may not have much choice. And a midwife makes it a whole lot safer than DIYing it.

Going to post a graphic from the article for people to mull over if they don't think it's a big deal that people have to drive to another county (or state) for prenatal care and L&D and can't use a midwife at home. Keep in mind that the state of Alabama is larger than England.

It was the same in GA when I had my son. Theoretically it's to protect women from getting care from unlicensed midwives, but in reality it probably has more to do with racism. For a long time in the south, most women in labor were attended by Black midwives who passed down traditional midwifery knowledge orally.

Is it cool to call America one of the least developed first world countries these days or nah? This is some unbelievable shit. It's like, "fuck women sideways, up and down and all around". Tough to get contraceptives, can't get an abortion, can't give birth at home, can't get L&D services, NOPE FUCK YOU, you can drive

If You're Giving Birth in Alabama, Better Be Ready for a Long Car Ride.

so can't have an abortion, can't give birth safely..... great

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