
I've said it before here, the GOP plan regarding reproductive rights is dangerously close to what Nicolae Ceausescu did in Romania. Millions of unwanted children forced upon women after sex education, birth control and abortion was outlawed. Crime rates went through the roof once these children hit their teenage years

omg, i am happy this is happening. Coach totally threw off the dynamic. There were just too many characters all of a sudden, too many plotlines and frankly, not enough Winston who is my fave character on the show. Lamorne Morris is amazing. Also, whatever happened to ferguson the cat? He seems to have disappeared?!

And should things in fact go catastrophic, now it will cost even more.

Something tells me that Katy Perry doesn't own the rights to that shark costume. Or perhaps she does? I don't know.

Yah, I'm like 'Excuse you, terrifying man-eating creature of the night is what I am going for'.

It's all part of the Republican's new "American Freedom" platform.

"The rationale being that the more financial risk and burden consumers have to take on, the better their choices will be about how they spend their healthcare dollars."

Exactly what choices are those? Shopping around for someone to set a compound fracture or administer a triple bypass isn't exactly like getting a new

No public funding for schools, either. Assuming your children make it through the first 6 years.

6. No WIC/Medicaid/Welfare/Head Start.

The Republican mindset:

This is shameful, but I legit thought that photo of Nicki was you for a fraction of a second. (I don't really recognize her instantly as I am an Old Blob of a person.) I'm glad you put that disclaimer in.

I like surfaces clear so the only thing on my bathroom counter is toothbrush, toothpaste, hand soap, a little caddy w/ a couple things in it and....

"Taking a selfie with Jesus" sounds like a euphemism for someone dying.

How about... we have a commercial where the size 14 woman casually walks out to her neighborhood pool, followed by her size 2, size 8, and size 18 friends, all wearing various swimwear of their choice, in front of a group of dudes.

I want to applaud Sports illustrated for having the courage to feature a young white woman with symmetrical features, the hip to waist ratio of the Venus de Milo, and pert breasts. Most humans look at this model and have to cover their eyes in horror. Only the Sports Illustrated editors could see past conventions of

These campaigns always crack me up. Hey, everybody, we are going to put one - just one, we don't want to do anything too crazy - hot, young, average-sized woman in our magazine to show how we are totally open-minded and inclusive of all body types and all forms of beauty. We are saints!

Dont forget that Google has millions to dump and they want it to pass.

All I can say is they need to hurry up. Time Warner Cable just upped what was apparently only a promotional 12-month period (it wasn't, I can't find my original contract though) to $95/mo for 50/5Mbps. Google Fiber is coming to my city in the near future, they can't get here soon enough, $80/mo for

I think Elsa is considered one of the heroines because she overcame her fear. I don't think she was spoiled, I think both sisters were harmed by their parents' choice to keep them away from each other and everyone else. Before her coronation she was consumed by fear. Elsa never learned how to control her fear of her

"Hollywood in general has often sent the message that men are superfluous, that they're stupid, that they're often in the way,"