
Yeah, I don't think porn is feminist. I think in individual cases some porn can be feminist (like, more soft-core stuff and not gonzo or stuff that is super explicit or flatly wrong, like the parent-child thing), and I don't think we should ban it or anything, but that as a whole it is misogynistic and problematic as

I get that the whole point of this series to be like *cheerleader ready ok clap* porn is so great and feminist you guys. But with each one of these I'm just like...sure. hmmm. maybe. i don't know. i don't think so. nope. NO. OH HELL NO.

It worked that way this time.

I grew up when all these diseases were rampant. Polio was still around too, but I got my first dose of vaccine in second grade. They were awful illnesses. Why any parent would want to risk their child potentially having any of them if it can be prevented, is beyond me.

Well, you have pain issues that arguably can stem from underlying anxiety issues. There's evidence that fibromyalgia has a strong relationship to anxiety in general: http://www.fmcpaware.org/a-c/anxiety-di…

Because it's the CDC's job to do exactly that. Their mission statement is literally: "CDC increases the health security of our nation. As the nation's health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health threats." Drug abuse is a health threat. And the report doesn't analyze cases like yours; it

like lol ok

Give it a rest, Wesley. We get it - Taylor is so inauthentic and fake, unlike Katy who is an artiste who expresses her authentic self through her whipped cream-shooting nipples.

Good to know they're getting to the important work of, like, creating jobs and fixing America's crumbling infrastructure, as well as the staggering and growing income inequality that has led to an increase in poverty (and reliance on government programs).

I have three kids that I love dearly but I completely and wholeheartedly support anyone who doesn't want to have kids. It's fucking hard and it changes your life and no one should do it unless they want to.

Wait until they go to school. Then you'll be overrun with PAPERS. Homework papers, spelling lists, "artwork" — in addition to the laundry, which will become an even bigger chore because their clothes will, naturally, be larger. And also their personal stuff just...everywhere!

Word. I was about to say "well, great for her, I wish I'd been that happy" until she got to the part about getting back into her jeans. Fuck you. That is so insulting to people who can't get the weight off. For whom breastfeeding appears to have the absolute opposite affect, and causes weight gain, the women who, a

They should have warned me that even with eating all of the right, healthy meals and actively seeking out milk-increasing foods, my supply would stop abruptly at 7 weeks and I would gain 15 pounds back post-partum. That was super fun and not at all depressing.

Gah. This post has bothered me all week!

This woman's train of thought:

I had bad PPD when I had my second son. I use to fantasize about pushing his stroller into the traffic and then running in front of a bus. Women like her made me feel worse about myself.

As a mother that suffered with post-partum depression and had several nervous breakdowns while being a stay-at-home parent to my two children, blogs like this make me feel guilty and ashamed. I have to remind myself that it's not a purely wonderful experience for many of us, and that's normal, too.

"They should've warned me that eating healthy, proper portions of food would create enough of the nourishing milk that my daughter needs to grow. That I wouldn't even want to diet at first, at all. That hearing at her two-week doctor appointment that she'd gained enough weight..."

You know, I try really hard to avoid getting offended by others writing about their experience. But FFS, women are already given way too much shit for admitting that they are not perfect moms all of the time. With both my children, I struggled through difficult pregnancies, fell instantly in love when I met them (and

Same. I feel like she's the sort to imply to mothers with post partum depression, or mothers who admit that sometimes things are hard and awful, that they aren't trying hard enough or aren't doing it right.

I'll tell you what nobody warned me about: All the goddamned laundry. We went from doing laundry maybe twice a week to doing it three or four times A DAY. (Granted, we had twins, but still.) Even having lived through it, I still do not understand how they generate so much laundry.