Lightning with no Bolt

While I respect the YouTubers creativity, these ideas just aren’t meant for a middle-aged dude who should the gym more often but thanks for sharing.

Thanks, I found that out when I did a little more research. But still though. . .

If anything, I present as evidence the Los Angeles Clippers. They moved up north 30+ years ago and only now are they on even footing as the more established Lakers. You’re right, however. If they field a winning team then yes, I think they will be held on a higher pedestal than the Rams.

Its as if Trey and Matt saw into the future. San Diego residents now have something else to do on Sundays.

Considering the Rams (who somehow still referred to themselves as “L.A.”) played in Anaheim for 10 years, I do concur with your opinion. The Chargers biggest obstacle to overcome if (and can’t emphasize if enough) they do come north is overwhelming number of Raiders fans that still live in the area. That, and the

Please don’t discount residents of Orange Co. and the IE who might enjoy the shorter commute to Inglewood (once complete) vice the longer I-15 drive and the trolley trip to get to the Q. Yes, Charger fans do exist north of Oceanside.

And the firing of Coach Marty after going 14-2 to go along with that loss.

Inland Empire, huh? As an IE resident, the area has the cheap land and maybe the football mad population and Spanos can finally have a valid claim to the LA market to go along with the SD market. However, the area isn’t major league enough and the nightlife would make Buffalo look like South Beach.

Thank you. I didn’t realize antenna TV had so much variety. I’ll have to check it out.

You have a right to your opinion, however, I happen to like the Color Rush Unis and that’s all that matters to me.

The reverse was true as well when the Rams moved to St. Louis in ‘95. Lots of So Cal people who continued being fans after the team bailed. So the reverse happening in Missouri isn’t so surprising.

That’s enough proof why I will never attend an NFL game at the Mausoleum.

What office would Mr. Sherman run for that would allow him to ban public financing for stadiums and would he be subject to a recall once every team leaves town?

Navy FCU is a great credit union. However, don’t ever file for Chapter 7 while you’re a member. They’re not very forgiving but then again, I don’t blame them.

Best of luck to the Sharks. You’re repping the West Coast out there.

Guy Hebert co-hosts “Ducks Live” here in the O.C. He’s also completely bald. I guess playing for an expansion team in ‘93 once called the Mighty Ducks has a price to pay.

You’ve obviously never heard of the Spanos family?