
I know DotA at least, is a bunch of dicks. That’s why partially why women who like to play online games like that tend to gravitate to certain other games with better communities (Overwatch, for example, is not perfect but anecdotally I know a lot more women who play it than any other online FPS, and they usually note

Yeah but it wasn’t clear it was going there, and he was extraordinarily obnoxious. He runs in and yells “Hey lady, you’ve got some nerve” at a woman who has done *literally* nothing wrong. It’s basically psycho. I don’t get how we’re supposed to like him at all after that.

Holy shit now that is branding I can get behind

But what percentage of the players from that country are cheating? What if only 0.1% of the playerbase in China was actually cheating? still think it makes sense to ban that entire country?

If you’re talking PR, dismissing concerns about alienating your female playerbase is not typically the direction you want to go.

Dominant societal narratives about sex, especially when divided by gender in hetero relationships, are frequently devoid of empathy. You can be taught by society that “empathy doesn’t matter here, you get to ignore it”. I think part of the teaching needs to be about presenting why that’s not true and alternative ways

That’s the “enthusiastic” part of “enthusiastic consent”. You need to ensure that people actually want the sexual activity.

I kinda got stuck on that point. If it’s not clear what it means to accept it, why accept it? I really wanted her to ask him what he thought it meant to accept an apology. What exactly has changed?

The consent conversation can mean confronting some ugly memories, even force you to realize you were harmed or harming someone else. I’m not surprised people want to avoid it.

Hey, I’ve struggled with similar issues before.

I don’t know if you can take the statement that he was afraid for himself and be sure that that was his only concern. Even if he was genuine in regret, horror, not realizing what he’d done out of pure ignorance, it would be amazing if someone did not also fear for themselves in that situation.

The “enthusiastic consent” framework only recently came to enjoy widespread knowledge. Depending on how long ago this happened it’s not that surprising.

I don’t know, I find this believable enough — not that I’d let the guy into my life or anything. From what I recall of my own adolescence, it’s usually not that someone “needs to be educated on not touching an unknown sleeping person”. It’s that they got a bad education on how adults should behave, and they’re trying

My biggest annoyance with Destiny is this expectation that you play very frequently. Limited time events that only last a week? Some of us have lives that mean we can’t do that.

Seriously, just have the people quoted here send gofundme links. if they really just need a steady income to stay on their feet so they can make their lives better, we can definitely help out with that.

wow you should be a professor, what a nuanced, detailed, and not at all conveniently selective summary of events

Wait, what are we sheeple for? Buying something that is fun as it is and then having fun with it?

I mean, the game definitely could use improvements. You don’t have to say the game is perfect to defend that it’s fun.

“people don’t play what’s good anymore, just what they are told is cool.”

It’s a fun game. Are you telling me I’m not having fun playing it?