
I must be lacking in the imagination department, I really don't see him...

Leigh, I'm not sure what the straw was that broke the proverbial camel's back, but I'm sorry you're feeling this frustration. Even so, I'm not sure this post will decrease your stress levels in the long run.

OK, please forgive my ignorance, but which show are those from?

A particle with 30 half-lives? My head just exploded.

This comment probably belongs on Kotaku, but I vote for "Spartanium."

In... con... ceivable?

I didn't think Miss Croft was so bad.

I totally forgot about this soundtrack, it's one of my favorites. Good call.

I've never skipped school as a kid to play games. I can accept I may not be a real gamer (as well as the reasoning behind that statement). HOWEVER, I have skipped a lot of work as an adult to play video games. Where does that put me?

Wow, I really like that. Out of curiosity where is that from?

Out of curiosity, are you privy to the calculations that were used to generate the values stated in the article you cited? Or is some sort of statistical error provided somewhere that I overlooked? I don't understand the claim that 4% is small enough to be within the margin of error for the calculations.

I'm saddened that you thought of this before I did. Truly saddened. For the briefest of moments I thought I finally had something humorous to contribute. Well played, sir. Well played.

While I'm not a fan of LA, what gives with the California hate?

Yup, sorry. I was addressing Esther.

Agreed... prisms would be far less colorful if this were so. Now if the statement was made with respect to monochromatic light, I think you'd be spot on.

@ridgelon: And we're well marbled. I've always considered myself a form of kobe person.

@The_Geb: I believe they use that spot as a reference to gauge the distortion of the wave front due to the atmosphere. Once they can do that, similar corrections can be applied to other images.