After reportedly realizing over the course of her deeply uncomfortable trip to the US that Ivanka Trump was an…
After reportedly realizing over the course of her deeply uncomfortable trip to the US that Ivanka Trump was an…
Trump’s presidency?
I’m still not sure she even cares about transgender issues really. Unless they affect her. And then she cares. But really isn’t that how most Republicans operate anyway?
You can transition the girl out the privileged American White Male ™, but never transition the privileged American White Male™ out of the girl.
So people have finally stopped endlessly defending her because she was a high profile Transgender individual and finally realised that both pre and post transition was a shitty person?
My son is on the Autism spectrum. We were lucky, insofar as we noticed things in the first 24 months and started getting him services shortly thereafter. If I were in this situation, it would be full on rage murder kill. Not happening, unless they kill me first.
Special Needs educators and therapists are trained to deal with his type of behavior, however unpleasant it may seem. Someone failed here and it wasn’t the kid.
As someone that works in special education, specifically with a mostly autistic population, if you get into special ed, you should expect to get aggressed on by students regularly. There is an unacceptable extreme to these behaviors, but what’s being described here is not it.
“When he refused, his teacher attempted to physically remove him, which resulted in scratch marks on the teacher’s arm because he resisted.”
My mother was a Special Education teacher for nearly 40 years. Over the years she, and her counterparts, had children that would (for lack of a better term) pitch a fit where they would try and hit and kick. It’s what sometimes fucking happens and if the teacher(s), school administrators, or whomever cannot handle it,…
Good People of Kinja - is this not irrefutable evidence of Police Departments losing touch with human reality? Bring on the robots, now - they’ll do a better and more humane job. Seriously, is there even a cure for what’s wrong with America?
“According to the Washington Post, he was being disruptive and began hitting and kicking his instructor when he tried to remove him from class.”
On one hand, I’m completely heartbroken, and pray this never happens to my autistic child.
If they’re going to arrest this kid, then they need to arrest the special ed teacher. He put his hands on this kid and tried to drag him out of the classroom. That’s battery right there. Plain and fucking simple.
Maybe this boy’s teacher needs to re-evaluate his career. If he can’t handle getting whooped by a 10 year old and continues to push the issue until his arrest, it doesn’t look like he has the fortitude to handle being a special education instructor.
except that is exactly what they did.
I am not a lawyer (I am a teacher), but it seems like there’s a pretty strong argument for violation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. According to my training regarding the IDEA, students can’t be disciplined for behaviors that stem directly from a psychological diagnosis. It is possible to remove a…
How the fuck do you arraign a 10 year old kid with Autism who was clearly having an episode when he “attacked” the school employee. There is no mens rea. (mental condition to to commit a crime) The prosecutor and judge should be strung up by a yard arm until they are no longer kicking for this abortion of justice. In…