Flip it on the side like the French people do

...and he and his team are using a private server now.

Imagine if Hillary had three husbands, and five kids spread among them. HOLY SHIT. The christians would have burned her alive.

All of the Trump supporters who lambasted Clinton deserve all of the suffering that we’re about to get over the next four years. The problem is the rest of us have to suffer as well. His sanctuary city plan is deeply troubling. Given that NYC is a sanctuary city, I think it should just cut off all funding to

She was literally the most qualified person who has ever run for president.


It was so easy for the Russians to prove us stupid. Even I barely trust any news reports now.

Bush actually read quite a lot! Something like two books a week. That’s right: Trump makes George W. Bush look like a fucking academic.

Okay, I’ll bite. Tell me where she lied and how honest Donaldof Trumpler is with his voter fraud banter.

It’s not so much that I thought Donald Trump actually read a lot of books of any kind, but for some reason it has just hit me. Our President is a man who doesn’t read any books. Any of them. At all. (Look, I’m sure plenty of our presidents have not been big readers - W. comes to mind, but hell Laura was a teacher and

... And this godforsaken buffoon was somehow preferable to a woman who had been in public service her entire life because ...emails vagina.

But she didn’t work with him closely enough and didn’t take all of his positions and she acknowledged that banks and Wall Street exist in the United States! Enemy of the people!

She was literally the most qualified person who has ever run for president. And the Trump campaign spun that to make it look like a bad thing. She was a career politician. Hell, even people on the left fell for that.

Well not really. She was screwed over by an archaic voting system. More people voted for her than for him, but apparently the only votes that matter are in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Or when she worked with her opponent in the primaries to create the most progressive platform that any presidential candidate has run on? Ugh. Shrew.

Remember when she worked to get health insurance for children? Ew!

...you mean because she used a private email server, just like the Trump administration is currently doing?

And she let her husband cheat on her. What a bitch.

She didn’t smile enough! She smiled too much! She was too aloof! We can’t have a beer with her! She doesn’t eat KFC!

Words most associated with that the media wrote about Hillary: Emails and Speeches. Words associated with Bernie: Millenials and Anti-establishment. Words associated with Trump: Immigration, Wall, and Anti-establishment. You bought the narrative they were selling, just like Trump’s supporters. Congrats. Looks like

“. . . can’t win an election, but can get rich giving revolting speeches afterwards.”