Flip it on the side like the French people do

Democrats represent the middle/working class. We are trying to address it and faced nothing but obstructions. How on earth any working class person believes conservatives have ever address their concerns is beyond me. How did Trump who said he doesn’t pay taxes because he’s smart reach these people?

I keep hearing this and yet anyone that has taken a high school or even junior high level economics class should have known that Trump’s promise to bring the jobs back was bullshit at best.

I don’t know how anyone expects Americans to choose between that.

THIS. Why do some Americans consider their vote some kind of infinitely valuable personal blessing to be conveyed upon only those noble enough to receive it. Like the 2-year-old gifting Mommy with his precious turd.

No..... She didn’t do anything illegal. A layperson wouldn’t be in jail for doing what she did. Yes, a layperson may lose their security clearance for doing something similar but not jail. General Petraeus did do something illegal and it was 10x worse than Hillary and got prosecuted. The old system worked. And now

Therefore I voted third party.

I don’t know how anyone expects Americans to choose between that.

“You want the red restriction of freedoms or the blue restriction of freedoms?

What are you talking about? Hillary never said a word about taking anyone’s guns. Possibly you’d see folks not able to own AR-15's that they never had any need for in the first place. This is the same BS rhetoric people said about Obama and there were more gun sales under his administration than ever before due to

If Hillary’s stance on guns qualifies to you as “zero respect for the 2nd Amendment,” you’re a fucking idiot. Please try not to be a fucking idiot.

Haha, fuck you, uncritical non-thinking pieces of shit who somehow feel that the two candidates were remotely equivalent. It was bullshit then, and it’s still bullshit. All it demonstrates is that you can’t be bothered to actually think harder than squinting at the candidates fuzzily.

Well lets see... one of them was an unstable narscisistic asshole with the emotional and intellectual range of a distracted 5 year old and the other wasn’t.

What’s sad is that you can’t actually name anything that REALLY makes you uneasy. It’s like a story you tell yourself to feel better about Trump being elected. “Well Hillary would’ve been JUST AS BAD because REASONS”

Here’s the problem: you let the perfect become the enemy of the good.


This is simply not true. Please name 5 “restriction of freedom” plans outlined by Clinton. I can give you 10 from Trump, so 5 should be pretty easy.

Yes, one was a literal fascist who is advised by a neo-Nazi and has said he will declare martial law in the “inner cities,” institute nationwide stop & frisk in violation of the Supreme Court, institute religious tests for entry into the country and create a literal Deportation Force with nebulous authority to round

Which of my freedoms was Hillary promising to restrict?

What’s especially useful about you guys is that you make it so easy to spot you.

Fuck CNN