Flip it on the side like the French people do

I prefer my theory in which the whole of Kevin Can Wait is a parodical daydream of Dr. Spratt from Children’s Hospital in which she imagines herself in a far less funny show.

I’m also vaguely offended that she thinks Hillary couldn’t think on her feet fast enough to answer questions about the death penalty or Flint.

Okay, yes, but Lewandowski still works for CNN and is clearly in the bag/on the plane recently/hanging out with the Trump campaign. But, somehow, it’s okay. Makes you wonder. That’s all I’m saying.

We can still act holier than thou.

That’s the thing about every Clinton “revelation”: I find out something that makes me uncomfortable or leave a bad taste in my mouth, and then I remember that the other side is doing shit a thousand times worse and it’s hard to give a shit about Clinton anymore.

but Corey Lewandowski is still on the payroll.

Yes, thank you, I’m aware of what the word “fiction” means.

Okay, cool. The treatment of women and minorities in fiction is not worth talking about and is never emblematic of larger issues in the real world. Art should never be scrutinized for what it might tell us about the world we live in.

There is a difference between a casual remark and an email, as one newspaper found out in a recent libel suit. But more, if I were these women, I would expect that my fellow athletes view me as a sister or a colleague, not as meat to be graded.

“Gabagool is my safeword!”

Always the Tiffany, never the Ivanka, eh Chris?

Ok, so it sounds like the guy whose recommendation it was that no charges be filed against Clinton for any wrongdoing has now turned around and intentionally given a vague statement with the express purpose of “punishing” her for the very things he said merit no action. Like, I was giving the benefit of the doubt when

News poll puts Clinton’s lead over necrotic jack-o’-lantern Donald Trump at a mere two points.

“The polls are rigged, and I know because I’m one of the people doing the rigging! See why we need to fix the system by electing Donald Trump?!?”

you didn’t click through to read those articles did you? because one takes a handful of anecdotes that are almost all instances of clerical errors or mistakes involving generic sounding names of some dead people, and calls them “potential” fraud in a city with millions of legit votes cast over the decades.

The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.

What an idiot. Donald Trump didn’t want her to commit voter fraud. He wanted her to stand silently outside a polling place in a liberal-leaning area with a gun.

I once met Nicholas Brendon and he told me that he had watched each episode exactly once, in order, then never again.

So, I could be wrong, but I think the writers left that episode ending ambiguous on purpose, when they are like, “aha, a soul for you” at the very end you’re supposed to think: was that his intention the whole time? Or did he go there to get his chip removed and this is a trick punishment from the higher being

I was able to get past the attempted rape scene for two reasons: 1, he didn’t have a soul. 2, that was the catalyst for him putting himself through the ringer so he could get a soul. Had he had a soul when he tried that, had he not shown genuine remorse and taken drastic measures to ensure it wouldn’t happen again,