Flip it on the side like the French people do

Wait, you’re mad because this guy is giving money to Democrats who are running against the GOP guys, because the Democrats might be centrists?

Illustration by Victor Juhasz

It’s even harder to believe that people still want to vote for him (cough cough dad cough cough).

It’s hard to believe one person can contain this amount of stupid.

This left me feeling gross. She’s a kid for fucks sake. She shouldn’t be saving her family from bankruptcy.

A presidential running mate mostly is a warm body.

It absolutely is, and gawker sites have been ignoring that fact from the beginning. This was a pretty great pick but he wasn’t “exciting” for gawker, whatever the fuck that means.

In a year in which Clinton already nearly lost to a socialist...

No, no and no.

Doesn’t the guy have an impressive and important civil rights background, above everything else? Isn’t that kind of a helpful thing in this political climate and in the years to come?

So what is he for?

#TeamParis ???

And I looked and beheld a pale man, with skin like the belly of a slug. In his right hand he held a machete, and in his left hand he held the decapitated head of a cheetah from a game reserve in Africa. And lo, his name was Eric.

I feel like he looks like a less attractive Gary Busey and I didn’t know that was a thing that could happen.

No, let’s talk about it. He makes my lady bits wither and dry up. Simultaneously, I also want to shit and vomit looking at him.

The fact that Mike Pence “won” the debate by lying his ass off about (or just flat out ignoring) all the crazy and deplorable shit Trump has said over the last year and a half, how poor of a businessman he is, and how stupid his proposed policies are, speaks to the sorry state of this presidential race very well.

Now I’m just throwing it out there. Maybe, just maybe, Trump might not be fit to be President.