Flip it on the side like the French people do

“I’ve never understood how Bill’s indiscretions have anything to do with Hillary.”

Infidelity is not a black and white situation. We will never know the details of their relationship. We will never know why they both chose to stay. We will never know because it’s their fucking personal private business. And let’s just say they are together because they have an intellectual connection and the White

I’m sure it’s very easy for Giuliani to relate to other prominent, rich, adulterous, scandal-plagued, male, racist, failed presidential candidates.

The “hilarious” part is that if she’d divorced him she’d be reamed for being ungodly, unforgiving, unchristian, and having no moral values.

Not only Trump, but Ghouliani himself, who also cheated on his wife, and had to drop out of the senate race because of it.

Man Who Broke His Marriage Vows Criticizes Woman Who Didn’t.

Is the GOP so stupid as to think it’s a good idea to attack a women because her spouse cheated on her? What sayeth you Marla Maples?

I’ve read several interviews with Monica and she makes very clear that it was a totally consensual relationship.

So just when are men judged on their wife’s actions? And why doesn’t Trump stand the same criticism for actually being the cheater?

Uh... when did Monica Lewinsky say Clinton ‘violated’ her? Did he just make that up?

Be careful, Rudy’s house must be made of bullet proof glass.

That’s pretty amazing coming from a guy who had a very public, very nasty divorce due to adultery while he was mayor of New York City. The gall of these men...

Wait didn’t he cheat on his wife ? Didn’t she fond out he was leaving her for another woman during a press conference?

Yes, the “really mean ads” that use his own quotes. It’s so delicious.

I’m about to get ready for work and I am listening to a radio morning show (whose hosts are usually pretty sensible) and they called the debate a “tie”. Also, the people calling in are claiming that they hate both candidates and that both were an embarrassment last night. Some have said they won’t even vote at all.

They’re also included in the rich-kids-doing-humanities-PhDs demographic. I’m in grad school right now and couple of holier-than-thou colleagues who somehow think the revolution will be brought about by writing esoteric bs about narrative in English literature were whining. I couldn’t wear my damn Clinton t-shirt to

So my fb is similar, but I got tired of it. I posted something like, “Hillary’s liberal, smart, prepared, and I like her. I’m voting for her and y’all can kiss my ass.”

Huge positive response. If you like Hillary, feel free to talk about it!

You can be a Hillary supporter and you don’t have to preface it with the hipster “not my first choice...” Bernie is dunzo. He has been dunzo. Either go whole hog on Hillary or accept that you’re going to be lumped in with Trump supporters in the baskets upon baskets of deplorables.

The equivalence assholes are worse than the actual Trump supporters in my opinion. Well, not worse in the kind of people they are, but worse in their disingenuous bullshit. At least Trump supporters are upfront about their idiocy, thode who are equating them are just dishonest jackholes.