Flip it on the side like the French people do

She was Ann Coulter when Ann Coulter was just a little boy.

The way these crimes are prosecuted absolutely blows my mind. Steven Stayner’s kidnapper (who kept him for 7 years and kidnapped other kids) served FIVE YEARS in prison for it and then was released. If anybody deserve a max sentence, its somebody who hurts kids.

You’re on a post about a little boy who was raped and murdered and you’re most worried about internet commenters saying mean things about convicted sex offenders?

I’m pooping right now.

Okay then, explain what you meant- because from where I’m standing, it sounds like you’re criticizing this mother for having an emotional response to her child’s day. If every single commenter here is wrong, then.... Either we’re all bad at reading, or you’re bad at getting your ideas across.

This mom is the opposite of a tiger mom but whatever.

Because you are trying to bring down the sliver of happiness that this parent gets to enjoy.

That's a jerk comment. Parents of children with autism go through a lot - increased divorced rates, high costs of living, and stress beyond belief. Did you know that a child with autism can run an annual cost of anywhere between 25k - 50k? Parents stress daily about IEPs, funding for ABA, behaviors, future of the

I don’t think this necessarily offers hope for humanity, but I wouldn’t say it’s just basic decency for a guy who went to the school expecting to be fawned over by excited kids to instead sit down with a lonely, awkward boy who probably didn’t even know who he was.

Spoken like someone who doesn't have kids, and if does, most certainly doesn't have a child with special needs.

Carbon based life forms often reply with an emotional response.

It’s as if children’s lives have an impact on their parents or something.