
When this novel wins the Hugo and is counted among the best SF novels ever written, maybe we can talk about it doing a “much better job” than Heinlein’s novel. The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is a master class in world building and story telling - if you think the latest novel-of-the-month is its better, you’ll be wrong

In a word, no. I work in real estate and micro units are such a joke. They’re not designed to address affordable housing issues. They’re to make money for developers, period. The idea is that in select markets (NY, parts of CA, and that’s about it for the United States) people are so desperate for housing that you can

I’m sorry, I love NYC but this is idiot living, my great room is bigger than this apartment, hell my garage is 800 sq.ft and I would not live in a space that small. I’m traveling right now with my family, 3 people and a small dog and staying in a 600 sq.ft hotel suite with a separate living room, kitchen area and

...but you have to live in the Midwest.

Lud made basically this exact same argument in the early 1800s. The whole point of the “Luddite revolution” is that machine would take away jobs and would therefore destroy the economy. That speculation turned out to be wrong.

While there is a massive income gap in the United States, the existence of that gap doesn’t

While I can dig the “fight the power” vibe here, actually the radiation difference is pretty minuscule.

I don’t hate the book, but it’s not on my favorites list. It’s a dark, species self-loathing work. As with most of Clarke’s work, it’s well written, but I’ve never understood why the idea of aliens coming to Earth for the sole purpose of wiping out humanity has ever been seen as a “positive message” by anyone.

Class envy much? Go be poor somewhere else....

I watched the first two episodes at Syfy’s premiere in New York last month, and found it enjoyable. I read the book back in the 70s and the changes are for the best. I can’t wait to see how some groups in our current America react to Karellen’s appearance.

Somehow I see boxing getting more popular again after this article.

If Chad Mendes (who is awesome but not on the level of Aldo) can challenge you, Aldo is going to destroy you.

Yeah, from all the points that this is not a alien homeworld, this is the dumbest.

Really dude?

There have been over 300 public meetings on this proposal.

When their concerns are “we want nothing built there” it’s difficult to achieve the project goals while addressing their concerns.

Oh, yeah, I forgot, we should leave indigenous cultures alone. Because they’re doing so much to better the world by clinging to the past and preserving lovely things like bride-burning and thighing. The REAL threat is Westernism and Science, not amoral lackwits with machetes and Kalashnikovs. My apologies for failing


Another great scientific advance undone by a mob of undereducated, superstitious morons who worship rocks, sticks, mountains, stars, or invisible spirits. It’s kind of like Scooby Doo, or at least it WOULD be like Scooby Doo, if nearly everyone except the teenagers wore a rubber mask and tried to keep someone away

God wouldn’t have made mountains and telescopes if he didn’t want people putting the two together to prove that he/she doesn’t exist. Whoops, I mean. uhh.