
Regarding the “build thicker than any pro” -- I went to the Western & Southern Open last summer and got a front-row seat to see Rafa practice ... up close, he looks much slimmer and trimmer than he does on TV. I guess the camera really does add 10 pounds?

As a grumpy GenXer, can I tell you how many thank-yous I have received from millennials after I bought them gifts for their baby showers, wedding showers, and weddings? Oh wait, I can’t tell you, because it’s ZERO. No texts, emails, or snail-mail cards. Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Every GenX friend I have ever had always

Love your writing -- I always learn so much. Thanks!

Rumor is that Agassi does not want to lead the life of a coach and be away from his family all the time -- especially considering he’s a got a kid who is turning out to be a really good pitcher.

That would be weird, given that Helen Mirren is only 10 years older than Debra Winger.

I don’t understand why people in large cities would go there, but I went to Chik-fil-A for the first time last year when it opened up in my parents’ small hometown in ‘Murica. I can see why people like it. There are no decent fast-food options like Panera or Chipotle where they live, so if all you have to choose from

Speaking for all of us in Seattle ... we are tired of Russell Wilson the Hollywood/Jesus guy. Just play some decent football, is all we ask.