
The real question is where did Pete get his stash. I mean the guy has more booze than a college frat. I wonder if he was growing pot in his attic too. A man like him is indispensable.

Well, they lost numerous people on their runs. Aiden and Nicholas both admitted as much. Of course they blamed the people that lost their lives for not following their foolproof system. And then Aiden proceeds to choke completely trying to take out a zombie in riot gear releasing a hoard of zombies that, for some

I think it was scotch. More precisely, "I need scotch".

I agree. Or if he put a zombie in everyone's home. See, you need me, I should carry all of the weapons all at once, and we should have 5 people in the watchtower and Gabriel manning the gate at all times. Or Deanna's son, who would trust a zombie entering to close the gate. Hey zombie dude, you mind closing the

What about Mrs. Havenmaker, or Haddlemyer and her pasta maker? Where is that storyline going to go? Whoever possesses the pasta maker has the power. Kind of like the conch in The Lord of the Flies.

And instead of fighting, Sasha and Gabriel should have just got it on. Make love not war, that's what Morgan would have said.

I agree. I really didn't want to see a main character die. They have lost too many good characters already, and I don't want to watch a show where the characters are all zombies. The dialogue will suffer if that happens. Now, though, my alternative ending would have involved Pete chopping Reg's head off, Governor

So true. Most of the Zombies are former military men and women as well, most likely Generals, Majors, Captains, etc.. If you look closely while watching, they are actually in very complex attack formations.

They are constantly training when they are not eating humans. You just don't see it, but they are working out at least three times a day. Honestly, though, I love the show, but I still wonder why so many are wondering around the woods. Are they occupying other uninhabited places of the earth as well? Like, perhaps

The red poncho is going to be essential for the Wolves survival, and it will be awesome to wear at their nightly zombie rave parties.