
that’s because you’re all poor. one day, maybe all of you can move out of your parents houses, get a real job, and then you’ll play golf.

hahahahahaha I never get tired of that Drew pic

I fucking hope so.

This. This is something that needs to be apologized for. Poor Lucille

I can’t take credit for this, Matt Ufford on twitter can. I’m stupid and can’t link tweets.

Still better than the Landon Donovan statue.

The maker of the Ronaldo bust apparently went to the same school of art the guy who sculpted the Morgan “Magic” Freeman statue, in front of the Breslin Center at MSU, also attended.

Not to mention one hell of a stutter-step

No way he could beat Michael J. Fox now though, he’s got some of the best shake moves around.

Gotta give them credit for showing their cards here and trusting Gottlieb not to steal them.

When the fuck is Simmons not being an insufferable jackass???

I would think the dearth of any actual muscles would be a clue as well.

Just take the compliment!

I literally have no idea who the “star” is in this gif.

I guess Elway thought they needed to hear it straight from the horse’s mouth.

You should have read Dan Marino’s letter endorsing Merrick Garland.

Boston also offered an opportunity to play with Rondo, which Allen understandably declined.