
I don't think Vixen counts as a current show. I'm not sure it even counts as a show.

Hey, there are FIVE DC CW shows. Though my mind boggles at the thought of iZombie crossing over with the Arrowverse.

Might also be to keep him from being helpful next episode?

I mean, literally everyone Sara knows is dead by some point after she left. Laurel's death won't really be relevant to her until she finishes travelling through time.

You're assuming she's fixed forever and not just coping for the moment. Recovery isn't a straight line.

May's fighting skills have been favourably compared to Black Widow in-universe. The only other characters on the show who've been considered anywhere near her level are Bobbi, Ward, the agent who got turned into a brainwashed Hydra double of May, and Daisy. The latter probably only because she can incorporate her

Spinoff about Malory's field agent days when?

Because Siobhan had screamed so hard at Kara she got launched through a window earlier that day, with the whole office watching. And then a woman in a bad Halloween costume shows up with the exact same power gunning for the same targets?

It hurt me how thick they laid on the tease that Malone didn't really kill the Waynes. Blatantly lying that he had no idea who they were with a smidgen of cold reading. Not hard to see through at all. And then the whole thing about him not having been linked to any crimes for over two years?

It was made implicitly clear by his reaction to Oliver's "confession" that he didn't believe him. However, I think a man determined to die to protect others wasn't something he could deny. Ra's has some honour and respect for the weight of a life.

The more I think about it… I think Jack is gonna die. Of all of them, his wound is the least serious, but he's also been bleeding out longer than everyone else and will be the easiest to overlook until it's too late.

There's a post credits scene on a plane, showing first Hannibal then Bedelia sitting next to him.

Well, she probably doesn't expect it to go well, and she's driven to it by generalised spite and abandonment issues. Also, the letter at least means people won't assume she was taken or killed by Slade's goons and might decide to let her have her space.

If they have Vandal they can also introduce Scandal. Oh man, Secret Six spinoff!

Wouldn't he be on Flash though?

I'm hoping she's just going along with Malcolm to find a way to bring him to justice.

More like they were beyond his control.

Because it's putting her on the same arc that Ollie is already on? Because if she doesn't die she might become an actual super hero in a show about a super hero?

No way. It's a show about super heroes, so someone getting called a hero is not the death sentence it would be in other things. That was just her "omg maybe I can be a good person" epiphany moment.

You forget that Ward is a killing machine who doesn't know how to deal with his emotions. If he has a problem that can be solved by killing, that's his first resort. Therefore, the solution to Skye being in danger from HYDRA is to infiltrate HYDRA and destroy it from within, and the best way to do that is through