
He blocked me on twitter for my views on literature. For some reason I still like him though.

Yep, came here to post something similar. Third Man has signed and produced a huge number of female artists, and most of the tracks on White's first solo album were made with the all-female backing band.

What an asshole!


Are many Sanders supporters actually going to vote for Trump?


Private Press is great too!

I've been thinking about this, and the fastest way you could cram in a Harry Potter reference would obviously be by starting an article, "Harry Potter's Daniel Radcliffe…" This interviewer should get credit for waiting so long to mention it.

I love that this is the first sentence about Radcliffe: "Meanwhile, Daniel Radcliffe still can’t make a movie without people feeling the need to mention Harry Potter as soon as possible."

Perfectly understandable. I'm sorry for questioning your bona fides!

I stand corrected; you're pretty hardcore. But no, I was thinking of Woodwright, since it's the hardest core of them all.

I might suggest you're not as hardcore a DIY person as you think because I'm fairly certain the show is for exactly those people.

How do I downvote this horrible shit?




The Spurs used to have a teal, pink and orange logo. It was fantastic and unique so naturally they changed it to black and silver.

I'm not a player; I just fuck a lot.