
I still try to do this and it almost always works out like you described. I guess I should just stop at this point.

Why isn't this called The Avengers: Civil War?


The Dreamcatcher episode is my all-time favorite. Not coincidentally, Dreamcatcher is one of my favorite horrible movies.

When they sing the theme song it's delightful.

What if we don't get it from Mexico?

You're abstaining because of new hire drug testing? If so, it's absurd that you can live somewhere with legal marijuana and still have its usage preclude you from employment. I feel for you.

I've burned the fuck out of myself so many times cooking high in the middle of the night.

Exactly. Your focus changes but you don't want to lose brand recognition so you divorce your name from its previous meaning. Or something like that. It's pretty stupid.

Stoned skiing kicks serious ass.

What are you talking about? It's the best!

Nothing, but it does air on a "channel"!

Why would he do that?


No commercials, no mercy.

I think it'd be pretty damn cool if you could find the 90 minute mark in a 40 minute episode.

I currently work in Virginia, right near the Jefferson Davis Highway. It's a fucking embarrassment.

I can't be the only one who thinks if the troops wanted to they could put together a football team and dominate the NFL.
