
Sure they do.



That's crazy talk.

Where was this described? I need to read it now.

He sounds delightfully insane.

Noel Coward?

Or me from 19-???.

Even Major Applewhite knows better than this.

"You're the worst character ever, Towelie."
"I know."

Kumail is Pakistani.

I know this was a joke but I feel compelled to say that gay marriage has been legal in DC since 2010.

I saw it in theaters and remember absolutely nothing about it. For some reason I think Denzel was in it but I could have entirely imagined that.

It definitely should have been cut from the film because it's fucking terrible, but no, it's prominently featured in the trailer because…????

This is depressing:

He was apparently on some horrible Jenny McCarthy show but that's all I could find here.

It's an odd thing because I don't think PBS puts out any DVDs of Great Performances at the Met and it's apparently not yet available through the Met itself (they only have a production from 2010), even though I think it originally aired over a year ago. If I see it come out I'll try to remember to come back and let

Secret Window is laughably bad. "You stole mah story!"

Mustache happens.

Do you know for a fact that it's coming out on DVD? I work for…someone involved with the production and I've seen nothing about its release, but I'd really like to get a copy for a friend who missed it.