
I think people hate Floyd Mayweather because he's an unrepentant serial woman beater.

B A R A C k

Creative writing major high five!

There's something hilarious about wondering the poundage of clay required for a bowl. It sounds like an engineer's approach to art (i.e., a terrible approach).

Even then a lot of people don't care.

Are we supposed to pretend that Reese Witherspoon is ugly in this film? It's baffling.

How'm I doin'?

It's fucking Star Wars. That's what will put asses in seats.

That Shane Black magic called love

And at least that many movies!

Not being bald is pretty awesome.

Yes, I immediately pegged that as a fake name.

I also heard that it caught on in a flash.

You should meet General Pater.

Any cock'll do!

Pig hugger.


Ah, that makes sense. I was just tickled by the idea of not knowing what channel you're watching, and asking strangers if they happen to know.

Lots of things work like this for me, but I'll just say Monster Mash.

There's something so endearing about asking what channel you've been watching a show on. Thank you for that.