Disgusting but accurate.
Disgusting but accurate.
I watched it a few times but I didn't really like it. I suppose I could also be partially responsible.
Pretty much.
It's "Fuck you, that's my name."
Canning actually reduces antiscorbutic properties, so I'm not exactly sure if canned fruits and vegetables would be sufficient. They probably would, but even if not, most fresh animal meat has enough vitamin C to keep you scurvy-free.
What is that second sentence supposed to say?
Some people are, yes.
Saban is dickier, no question.
This is not necessarily true. In Texas, under some circumstances, it's possible to obtain a teaching position with a probationary teaching certificate. This allows you to complete the certification requirements during the following year while also allowing you to teach.
Bob Oderdink is a treasure.
Lesser-known for good reason, if the name is to be believed.
They've said that about gay actors? I've listened to most (maybe all) of the episodes but don't recall hearing that.
Missed opportunity.
Wow, lots of racism in there!
This isn't my personal experience, but the Breaking Madden series on SBNation is about, well, breaking Madden. I find what the game does when presented with bizarre scenarios really fascinating.
Plus, pears are green (some of them, at least). Like the Jets uniforms. It's perfect.