
Most people who die on this show aren't dead, it's part of what makes it hard to care about any plot developments. Give Geoffrey Wright a big death scene - never mind he's back now.

Boardwalk and Vinyl both have miscast, unappealing male leads, and both shows are better when they focus on other characters.

I'd say get rid of Richie entirely. Have Juno Temple and other young people be the leads.

I loved his relationship with his son. To me that stood out more than the comedians doing material.

But you're still saying "society's gender prejudices" exist in these fantasies. That's what I keep wondering about. Why can we not fantasize about equality? Why are white walkers more plausible?

We can imagine a "medieval" world with ice zombies and smoke murderers and people who can swap faces but we can't possibly imagine a world where women aren't brutalized.

Of course Mr. Mary Sue of the record industry immediately realizes how great the Velvets are. Not only is his wife in the Factory scene, they meet at an Exploding Plastic Inevitable show. I can hardly wait until the flashback where Ray Romano interrupts the Watergate burglars.

Amy and Dan from Veep, because I've clearly missed the whole point of that show.

They should have already their Rule 26(f) conference (this has to be Federal, right?) where they discussed format of production! You can't dump paper on people these days. Most document dumps these days come as one giant PDF with no breaks.

Not sure I can ever return to the innocent time before I heard that Naomi Campbell looks like she has a long tongue.

They changed "all the lust inside her" to "all the rage inside her" which I thought was a huge improvement.

Somewhere Out There
My Old Friend the Blues
Tom Ames' Prayer
Telephone Road

There's a lot of paternalism in telling poor people they shouldn't sell their houses so their neighborhoods can remain quaint, however.

Nice to see that both jocks and nerds can unite in gratuitous insults of overweight women.

When my mother was ill, we had to Google her surgeon to find his phone number and the first result that came up was his DUI arrest. So that was great.

Like the Oscars care about better. They care about what makes the voters feel uplifted. Plus Harvey.

most hilarious example of this was the Dana, the professional tennis player character on the L Word, who was always in town.

Live 105 was wall-to-wall Pearl for months.

Just because someone links to 4chan doesn't mean you get to act like you're posting on it.

Rectify was my vote, plus a comment about how annoyed I was that Red Wedding was going to win.