
Air Traffic controllers are required to hold at a minimum Access National Agency Check and Inquiry with Credit (ANACI, which is a civilian equivalent to Secret), and may be required to hold a Single Scope Background Investigation (SSBI, also known as Top Secret), depending on the facility they are assigned to.

Not the way I drink it...

Oh I have no problem with WP7, I've used it before and actually quite enjoyed my time with it. It is a serious contender when I get a new phone when my contract expires in a year. I just thought it was funny that the ad for an Android phone popped up right in the middle of this article.

I love it. You guys are down on your knees for Microsoft and I have an ad for an Android phone right in the middle haha.

I understand the crap handwriting due to cursive. The school I went to when I was taught to write only taught cursive, so I had to essentially teach myself to print. This of course resulted in my horrible handwriting, my dad says I should be a doctor. :)

Ah, but RIM trades under the ticker symbol RIMM, so in a way he's right.

Umm, right now it's only the MacBook Air that doesn't ship with a disk, but it still comes with a flash drive. And yes, they said that Lion would only be available from the Mac App Store, no physical copies that you can buy in a store. However, it remains to be seen if that means that future hardware will ship

*raises hand*I know, I know! GOOGLE!!

And two toes!

The biggest difference is that Amazon currently uses their 1-click patent as well as licensing it. HP as well is actively using the Palm patents they acquired. Lodsys, as far as anyone can see, does absolutely nothing with their patents, and haven't said a word about them in quite a while, until they decided to

Lion is 10.7, so I guess your wish has been granted :)

Also, they are hard plastic and not comfortable at all.....not that I would know of course :)

When you've got your hands cuffed behind your back, not much of a chance to grab the officer's handgun, or any other part of the officer for that matter. And yes, that is standard procedure for the LAPD for anyone going in the back who is under arrest, as a drunk would be.

@bdkennedy1 I think we more than made up for that when we dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Get off your damn high horse by saying that the problems the Japanese are getting what they deserve because of the bombing of Pearl Harbor, asshole. Really pisses me off when people say that kind of crap.