I mean, this is all assuming we survive until 2020, which isn’t looking likely...
I mean, this is all assuming we survive until 2020, which isn’t looking likely...
Mine just completely melded together. I’m basically Barbie down there now. NOPE.
It’s truly the onion of comments, so many layers to peel back!
I know these people chose to get married at a Trump property so they’re all probably MAGA shitheads, but I’d love if the bride just asked him to please leave.
Honestly that’s insulting to Walt. And I fucking hated Walter.
HomeChef 4lyfe
He probably thinks it has something to do with tearing down fences.
You know what they say, when god closes a door, he opens a window... and now there’s no one guarding that window.
But it’s the Kardashians, so according to most of the commenters here, they deserve every negative thing to happen to them.
So just an entirely orange silhouette of a man, with two small, white-rimmed, piggy eyes peering out?
There are no republican puppies, because all puppies are too pure and good to ever support the GOP.
Oh yeah, The Mooch has definitely sat on a small dog at some point in his life.
I don’t even think it qualifies as a cute letter tbh.
I’m currently living in a deeply red district (unfortunately), so I’m hoping that maybe makes my angry calls and emails have abitmore bite. But let’s be honest, he doesn’t give a shit about anyone but himself and the GOP.
Girl, are we related? Toomey, aka Frankenstein’s uglier brother, is an embarrassment.
Sam seems much more productive and proactive than GRRM.
Having the current ruler of Dorne, her heir, and the challenger to the throne of the Iron Islands is definitely going to help Cersei with her war. And we saw what she did to Septa Unella in last season’s finale, this is still a woman who cares about revenge.
Agreed, those two pieces of news together tonight speak volumes imo.
Who was phone?
There was a lot of discussion about this last year, but there’s a strong argument that her claim is at least fairly legit.