Agreed, PETA is shit. They not only think having pets is forcing animals into “bondage” but they have been sued for stealing family pets and euthanizing them.
His wife chose to marry him, she’s no innocent, she can live with the consequences of her choices. His kid, well, maybe he should have considered the effect his fucking choices would have on the people he loved before opening his ugly trap? Also, said kid is a newborn, she would have likely been crying or sleeping,…
Not commenting on her looks, because that’s besides the point, but her insides are ugly, same as everyone else in this administration. Their hearts and souls are ugly.
Way back in fourth grade, I sat next to a kid named Eric who spent all day picking his nose and then bedazzling his pencilbox with his boogers. I think of him every time I see Eric Trump’s name.
Add some red pepper flakes as well and it is heavenly!
In this case, wouldn’t it be Bachelor in Parasite?
Fellow Pittsburgher here, and it must be the town, but I just assumed all bars had at least one TV!
Can she bake some pies? I mean considering the ingredients they would be greasy and fatty, and taste terrible, but I’m sure it would be satisfying to bake them nonetheless.
Fair enough, I just feel like for anyone who doesn’t know what a piece of shit family this is, it’s a good reminder (though to be fair if they don’t know at this point, they’re not paying attention).
It’s probably the dog her brother tortured to death.
It’s especially maddening because he’s made a ton of weird comments about women’s skin.
I think you mean bad a$$.
The way his face lit up with glee at hearing his own name was both hilarious and horrifying. What a simple, stupid, narcissistic man.
Actually I think this snuff tape was more Bolton’s speed. The man definitely gets off to brown people in pain... I’m pretty sure it’s actually a prerequisite for working in this administration.
Most trolls are more creative than you, do you know any different lines?
Girl, there are dozens of us! Dozens! You’re not as alone as you think!
The mother’s life doesn’t count, silly, life only really matters for fetuses. Once they’re out of the womb, if they’re not white and male, tough titties.
What’s really selfish is that your mom didn’t have an abortion, which would have saved all of us from having to read your dumbass hot take.