B.J. Novak + Rami Malek = Samer Kalaf
B.J. Novak + Rami Malek = Samer Kalaf
A bench is certainly a good symbol for someone who spent most of his career as a DH.
Industry insider here. The best way is to just grease the wheels and make it known. Just tell them you appreciate their hard work and you know how difficult their job is. Give them the candy and say this is for you guys, I appreciated everything you do. A little grease can go a long way, especially on flights where…
If every viewer of Garbage time donated one dollar, she’d be halfway to $1,000.00!
That game was SIX YEARS ago (June 23, 2010). In the full seasons since then, Papelbon’s got 170 saves, a 156 ERA+ 9.7 K rate and a 5.43 K/BB rate. If you called it back then that Papelbon was losing it, your powers of prognostication are terrible.
How is this shocking after last season? No one wants a choker to be their closer.
In Miami’s defense, it’s really tough to find a herpetologist on such short notice.
Wait till you hear her music.
I have never been angrier at Iggy Azalea.
Totally played out perfectly fine last time it happened. Yep.
What a baby that guy is for acting offended that another grown man he’s probably been screaming at all night would say the word “fuck” to him. As a proud heckler of visiting athletes that is the ultimate prize when a rival player responds out of frustration.
The ambient heat generated by the competitive fire stoking Jordan’s WILL TO WIN caused wet spots to evaporate instantaneously when he approached them.
“Robert E. Lee” came in second.
It’s weird to me that no one remembers (because it was a huge deal at the time) that the Reds were just aping the Cubs from last year:
For once the Browns won’t even have to draft a quarterback to guarantee themselves a bunch of picks.