Not a wrap. The Avio editions were all painted in non-glossy paint. And above all, fuck anyone for screwing with someone elses car.
Not a wrap. The Avio editions were all painted in non-glossy paint. And above all, fuck anyone for screwing with someone elses car.
I don’t know what you have on your car, or what paint color or wheel choice you made, but I doubt you’d appreciate it if a random assclown decided it was “played out” and you deserved to have your car damaged.
Damn them are some impressive chemtrails
Wonderful fucking timing Lockheed!! I just purchased a SR-71 last month! You know what, fuck the 72. I’m just going to wait for the 73.
I couldn’t get it to work. It asked me to enter my salary...then abruptly redirected me to
My wife would probably be more interested in the show if they hired him.
Not everyone goes out of there way to find things to be offended about.
BRZ / GT86 people: “Hey! Wait up!”
Dodge Demon people: “But can it pull the front wheels off the ground?!”
i love this car. i LOVE this car. Must be the fact they arent sold in spain, but i find them freaking glorious. if i ever win the lottery im importing one.
The third pass was faster because the driver emptied his bowels while getting sideways at damn near 190 mph on the second pass. The reduced weight was to his advantage, obviously.
“He loves that stupid car more than he loves the rest of us.”
Pretty sure I’m not alone when I say this but.
When I see people carving their names in things at national parks and I confront them they always have the same excuse “well other people did it!” to which I respond “Moron, there are 15 names carved there. 1.5 million people visit this park annually. That means 1.5 million people -minus 15- aren’t as selfish as you.”
While being buried up to almost the roofline like that means it probably was going to get written off by insurance anyway, the fuck gives some asshole in a douchebro truck the right to feel like it’s ok to drive over the top of it? And that lamesauce excuse of “Well... we weren’t the first or the last to do it...”…
The ultimate storm chasing vehicle, a rental.
Dude, I think I see at least 2x 997 GT2 and 1x 997GT3 in the street level showroom. Meanwhile there are some Cayenne hoisted up on lifts. Yall nuts??!!! Get those GT cars to higher ground for posterity’s sake. No one is going to care that a couple Cayenne survived the storm in 30 years.