
he writes and performs his own music, no need to knock on an actual musical genius

okay that's kind of unreasonable

okay that's kind of unreasonable

remember when that guy was the mentalman on NTSF

remember when that guy was the mentalman on NTSF

Calling it now, Ken Jeong is the mentor

Calling it now, Ken Jeong is the mentor

I feel like the reviewer has a major hard-on for Allison Mack all out of proportion with her actual role on the show and the actual implications of the plot. The show doesn't mash the reset button in the last few minutes, it posits that yeah, Ryan is crazy too, but in a way different from just plain crazy. Amanda

I feel like the reviewer has a major hard-on for Allison Mack all out of proportion with her actual role on the show and the actual implications of the plot. The show doesn't mash the reset button in the last few minutes, it posits that yeah, Ryan is crazy too, but in a way different from just plain crazy. Amanda

what if you dump it on someone's head as part of a montage in semi-slow motion and just toss the bucket away like FUCK YOU

what if you dump it on someone's head as part of a montage in semi-slow motion and just toss the bucket away like FUCK YOU

it's a whole nother person, turns out?

it's a whole nother person, turns out?

Okay, this is 100% true but I just thought the fat girl was Jonah Hill in drag

Okay, this is 100% true but I just thought the fat girl was Jonah Hill in drag

this show and physics have a relationship like NBC and community, simmering hatred yet some slight reliance on it

this show and physics have a relationship like NBC and community, simmering hatred yet some slight reliance on it

jesus, he is a goddamned national treasure
he could take any team at any time in any sport to any championship

jesus, he is a goddamned national treasure
he could take any team at any time in any sport to any championship

I more or less agree with you, but given the period the movie's set in, it's kinda offensive I guess, like having palestinians stand-in for Arab jews because hey who can tell the difference