fleur de livres

Haha, that is adorable! They're starring in their own twin comedy wherein they trade places with no one being the wiser. I love it.

Do we have time for kind of a long story? I'm gonna tell it anyway.

Congratulations, that is wonderful! Working in a bookstore was 100% my favorite job ever. If I could support myself on it, I'd still be doing it. A lot of my coworkers got promoted to supervisors and managers (there are like six kinds of managers in the store) so I agree there should be more wiggle room.

I read that women have also regained all the jobs they lost in the recession; men 75%. This wouldn't happen if those bitches couldn't get their weekly abortions!

That is a great barometer, haha. Just enough warning to know when you're right about to go completely over the cliff.

I could listen to his Alan Rickman forever.

Gold, frankincense and myrrh?

I really....WANT to believe he's sincere, but it just...seems too good to be true. I have a terrible feeling this is just another Clowes work he's ripping off.

Sour grapes, perhaps.

Sometimes I have moments — just odd pockets here and there — of self awareness, when I think, "Am I verbally obsessing about this too much? Do I really want people to know how fixated on it I am?" I guess they don't have the same realizations, and/or don't mind everyone knowing how much they think about other people

Damn, there go the ovaries.

Me too! I've always been faintly annoyed by her I'm-a-real-girl-I-eat-bacon-grease-out-of-the-pan shtick (among other things) because most (if not almost all other) women cannot eat like she says she does and be a size 2, and I felt like it contributed to negative ideas about body image and beauty. However, this seems

Lovegold, like the luncheon?

So basically I've supported my position in a variety of different ways, and all you can basically say is "Nuh-uh, straw man!" (without really understanding what that term means) and saying nothing whatsoever to counter except that "it's complicated." I feel strongly about the state throwing out the personal rights of

You've said literally nothing here. You have no argument at all.

Nooooooo kiding. "Teaching me the value of patience." What the everloving fuck.

Lazy troll is lazy.

Lazy troll is lazy.

Meee tooo. While visiting at Christmas my mother asked why I don't "wear all your beautiful shoes" anymore. I was like, I got tired of my feet hurting. And knees and back. I still appreciate them, but….from afar.

Fannnnnntastic, they are gonna love it.