fleur de livres

SO MUCH. For some reason during my 20s I was fixated on turning 30, thinking that by then I would at least have the general purpose of my life figured out, or some direction to my aimless wandering. It didn't happen exactly by 30, but by then the wheels were definitely in motion. I'm just 32 but so far things are

I flew my little rescue dog from Seoul to LA, and I was a mess the whole time. She was just a little bit too large to ride in the cabin, which a Maine coon might be also. On arriving she was frantic to see me, but as soon as I had her, she was fine, excited and interested in the airport and marking all the bushes

Don't beat yourself up about what you "should be" feeling, or blaming yourself for not being "over it." It takes as long as it takes, just feel what you feel. I'd be pretty angry if I were in your situation (hell, I have been pretty angry in your situation :D) and your lingering reactions, I think, just testify to the

I was exactly where you are when I finished college. EXACTLY. I crashed HARD a few months after I finished my very blah college years, when it really hit home that I had no job plans, no qualifications, I was living with my parents in a new city that they'd just moved to before I graduated, and I generally felt shitty

YES. I couldn't believe it was #45. I had no problems in New Orleans, but Austin is year-round misery unless I am drugged to the gills.

To be fair, humans will also eat each other if there's nothing else left.

My cat, although uninterested in bread in general, would fight you to the death to lick the hell out of cinnamon rolls with an icing made of powdered sugar, water, and a little vanilla extract.

This is my exact feeling about both of them. I worry about my little dog ALL the time because I am literally her entire life. She has no, er, hobbies and I'm constantly concerned that I've been out of the house too long or that she's bored. Cats, however, have the liveliest imaginations in the animal kingdom and are

Honestly, if I saw someone wearing that in public, I would want it and want to be friends with her.

Am I having a nightmare in which something I wrote during my freshman year of high school got published on the internet?

Everything in moderation :D

You have summed up my deepest fears about getting married. Not the commitment; getting through the wedding. Pretty sure it'll just be both sets of parents invited for dinner and oh hey there's a justice of the peace here.

Two-story trucks are a GREAT idea for a drunken bacchanalia! The best drunk stories involve a "how did I live through that?" moment.

These are my favorite BM stories.

Pretty sure that's more than I've ever been able to concentrate on anything.

What happened to "gay rights are human rights"? If only gay people are allowed to work for gay causes, how far is that going to go toward convincing anyone who looks at gay people as a foreign "other"? Does it really matter if they're incentivized by profit or are only the people with the purest motives allowed to

This has been old news since Jessica Mitford published The American Way of Death in 1963. Nothing's changed, except possibly to get worse.

I see that it's still not safe to read Jezebel for anyone who wants to avoid exploitative coverage of a young woman's psychiatric breakdown by a supposedly feminist site that is unable to understand how stupid and hypocritical it looks when it lambasts other media for doing the same thing.

I just want to express my appreciation for posting this video and for the lively comments. Cheers.

Thank god JT doesn't have a chin dimple in that naked lady picture.