
His own father beats his ass, too. Just like in real life.

He doesn't sound like all the trains are running on time. No need to give him  attention,let him sit in the shadows with the weight of that name and his inability to carry it wearing him down.

“All lives matter! Well, except for when it was my bedridden father’s life. That’s no concern to me. Even though I’m trying to speak for him right now

I have no problem saying “Thank you,” except for the fact that I CAN”T BREATHE, you stupid bitch.

He did mean it like that.

Thankfully I just got a contact high.  And a 20 point drop in IQ.

You got off lightly. I’m not only now hopelessly addicted to meth, but I also have an uncontrollable urge to fuck my sister.

Good of the DA to issue those charges, but I can’t see it as a sign of healthy law enforcement culture until the cop is charged with wrongful arrest.

I looked at those mugshots for too long, and am now hopelessly addicted to meth.

Didn’t they try to do that shit last time?

Putting a Band-Aid on the larger problem, if you ask me.

he had smoked marijuana and consumed two liters of vodka

Super-fast-growing nose hair seems an unlikely superpower. (Then again, I never watched that Bobo-bo cartoon...)

This is what you do when you’re too old to kick ass literally; you do it figuratively. I’d love to see more Black seniors with absolutely nothing to lose, start speaking and moving publicly the way they do at dusk at the family reunion: Tell the unvarnished truth LOUDLY!

Ali, Russell, and the Olympic Fist Raisers were giants; figuratively unmatched as athletes in their courage to sacrifice their dreams for their convictions. When Kaepernick started protesting, half of the USA literally lost their mind on a Fox News narrative.

Lol, she married a cop, her ass didn’t learn, she doubled down.

Or she has the eyes of the world watching so she can get away safely from him. I am not quick to judge a woman getting away from a violent man. 

Hawks are notorious for that, swapping heads. They do it to screw with birdwatchers.

Master Raptor Bander is an awesome title

I think they should fine The Discovery Channel one billion dollars for making terrible television and being such a failure to humanity.