
Where’s a good rooftop shooter when you need one?

Kanye is an idiot.

Fucking backwards white trash hicks, I am talking about ALL of the south with this bullshit charges, there should be more.

I am so beyond hearing from trolls and Quislings.

Usually true regarding cops. System is bad, cop is bad.
But this specific instance is about specific training. Either he ignored training he received, or he didn’t receive proper training in the first place. In this very specific case, the two are mutually exclusive.
Either way it still leads to conduct where the pig

Fucking pigs

There’s someone who manages farm output for Black Google? Weird.

racial purity is code for inbreeding

the hospital reported Strauss was indeed struggling mentally, occasionally using racial slurs, appearing paranoid, disorganized and drinking his own urine.”

These mf’ers all look exactly the way you thought they would, huh?  

There’s a Black cowboy subculture in Atlanta that I only learned about a few years ago. My sister met this guy at a gas station who’d pulled up with his horse trailer and he asked her if she liked horses and wanted to learn to ride. He became a good family friend and my sister and I took care of his horse for a few

When did you first learn that Black cowboys exist?

My money would have been gone THAT DAY!!!!!

we’re not sending Kenya our best people 

We have 4 dogs. My favorite thing to do is get them all in the same room and then start dancing and saying, “YAY!” over and over and they get so excited. They have no idea why I’m so happy and celebrating, but they are ready to join in. Nothing can cheer you up better than a dog.

I hate twitter

Most likely converse with the various echoes and reflections in his golden bathroom.

First they came for the violent agitators but I said nothing because I was not a violent agitator.

Take away their guns and like 80% of them would quit immediately. Bunch of cowards. 

Now playing

Everybody’s going to Mario or bread, but my old ass immediately thought of George Gobel sitting next to superstars Bob Hope and Dean Martin on the old Carson show and SLAYING them with one line. ‘You ever think the world was a tuxedo and you were a pair of brown shoes?’