
For some reason, Clackamas County gives me the creeps.
(that reason is probably Ward Weaver III)

I lived in Oregon City for a while, which was considered the “hood” compared to West Linn. I knew some people who moved from OC to West Linn and they immediately got snobby. That whole area is just really weird and insular.

Where art thou good cops? And as WebsterTheDictionary points out the cop got promoted for this.

You every notice there’s a point in time when genders blur?

It would make my day if nasty Bitch McConnell dropped dead first and this one tripped over his corpse and that fall took him out. .... yeah... you can rearrange the parts, but some version of that would work just fine.

Please lord Jesus.... Make this happen. I will gladly sell my soul for the Orange fuck’s heart to explode.

That’s it great and all, but I don’t vote for people based on their memories of boners

Both of these things are correct. I understand it’s difficult to avoid your childish tribalism (my team doesn’t look bad, your team does!) , however both Trump and Bernie are falling apart old men that shouldn’t be in charge of the country.

I hope Satan calls his boy home soon. #NaturalCauses2020

This. I mean he had to have made a deal with the devil or the best medical care in the world is keeping his fat ass alive. When you think of all the talented people that have been taken too soon and this fat fuck is still breathing it drives you mad.

This was my favorite take:

What really strikes me about that photo is how bloated Trump looks. That is not a healthy looking man. I hope Satan calls his boy home soon. #NaturalCauses2020

“...Black people would never, ever do this crap”
You obviously have never heard of Joe Jackson.

Also, Hillary needs to accept defeat and go away. (it’s time)“

À la lanterne!

Christ: Means To An End Since 33 AD

This comment is beside the point, but those fucking red MAGA hats. I hate that they have ruined red baseball caps. I have a red 1971 White Sox hat I really like that I had to stop wearing and it sucks. So fuck you lady in the front row wearing your baseball cap in church like a slob.

You’re shocked by this? In the eyes of the Fox News watching Xenophobe any brown person named Amir or Assad will do. The GOP along with their buddies at Fox News happily pushed any talking points the Bush administration wanted despite visible and well documented evidence to the contrary. I mean Trump himself was on

That whole family is nasty shit that needs to be flushed.

After looking this kid up (again), I’m even more enraged by his sentence.