You’re not actually an “environmental scientist”. You know that. I know that. You’re a gal/guy/it that spends far too much time on kinja and wishes they were an “environmental scientist”. FUCK YOU!
You’re not actually an “environmental scientist”. You know that. I know that. You’re a gal/guy/it that spends far too much time on kinja and wishes they were an “environmental scientist”. FUCK YOU!
Oh, wow! Completely non-dictorial! You and your ilk alieniated the white working class and... this is what you get. Enjoy.
Dear Colin Kaepernick,
Also, you fuckin’ Brooklynites and DC’ites don’t live around people of color. If you did, you eould understand why this happened. Also... don’t ever make fun of or go against “The White Man”. We vote.
“Dylan DJOHAN, 23, Ashwin KUMAR, 23, and Waleed LATIF...”
I’ve always suspected that those rape and porn gifs were coming from inside Jezebel’s own house.
It’s actually...
Unfortunately your comment will probably get flagged and deleted. Gawker Media and most of its readers hate debate. They can’t allow opinions that differ from their own.
Wow, I’m stunned. Who could possibly believe that people who take the stage or act in film are all shameless narcissists?
What? The director, Michael Oatman, who cast the white actor is black. This was his reasoning, “I wanted a true exploration of King’s wish that we all be judged by the content of our character and not the color of our skin.” You may disagree with his reasoning but I don’t think there was anything malicious behind it.…
“Dunk her in a tank. If she doesn’t drown then she’s definitely a witch and as a result she must be burned at the stake. If she DOES DROWN and die then she’s definitely innocent and she won’t burn in hell.”
Gawker Media Parameters:
Kevin Draper is one of the worst Gawker bloggers when it comes to deleting user comments. Any opposing viewpoint or legitimate criticism is considered “gross” and “abusive”. Kevin Draper is merely overcompensating for the fact that he was a skinny-fat Young Republican back in college. I’m not joking.
Oh, no. Believe me, Gawker and especially Kevin Draper is very eager to censor any comment which criticize Gawker Media, it’s bloggers or contains a viewpoint that Gawker Media disagrees with. Opposing viewpoints and legitimate criticism are considered “gross” and “abusive” by the thin-skinned Gawkerati.