Steffen Hansen

It’s largely because these guys grew up listening to their dads and grandads joke about being bullying assholes and pulling stunts like this, and how the sheriff would give it a wink and a nod and do nothing, and it would just be a funny story to tell later.

1: Do asshole thing and show it for all to see.

Yeah, but the best part is the Integra has no hood and a huge “JUNK” window decal.  The kid driving the Integra knew what he was doing and his girl is just playing on her phone like, “Ugh... not again....”

But we should try to throw rocks at each and every one of them. 

I was just annoyed for two reasons - 1) The comment to Sean along the lines of “why post this?” Well, Sean can write whatever, not everything is going to be to everyone’s liking. Sorry that Sean wrote a post you didn’t want to see; unless you have a legit complaint, just don’t comment. And 2) The concept that just

Ryan Reynolds is literally better than you in every conceivable way. He is more successful than you’ll ever be, he has more money that you’ll ever dream of having, his wife is a beautiful goddess the likes of which you’ll never come close to attaining, he is better looking than you, he’s probably taller than you, he’s

That thing you're missing, I think its called sarcasm.