
I fall into your age range. I was excited for the prequels and I’m excited for this.

Second one not bad? It started out OK but is guilty of the most insultingly pandering fan service I have ever seen in a reboot. You just don’t steal one of the most touching and iconic death scenes of movie history for some cheap emotion to punch up your shitty screenplay. And the whole thing about Khan not being Khan

I want this to be so big that Disney will lock JJ Abrams down for the rest of his life and keep him the fuck away from Star Trek.

Panic attacks are essentially an overreaction of the fear response. In a situation of extreme and immediate danger, a panic attack might even be adaptive.

Yeah I appreciate his more pacifist bent... however when you’re watching someone chop up a fellow resident with glee well after the person is dead that is not the time for a live and let live conversation. Just like you don’t try diplomacy with cannibals... you don’t bother with diplomacy vs an army of deranged

We probably weren’t supposed to groan at Morgan’s ridiculous attempts to save lives either, but I did that, too.

Now THAT’s how you get salmonella.

In case you weren’t sarcastic

Great that they’re thinking outside of the box, coming up with new ideas. That whole everything has to echo back to something else we did stuff was getting really old.

However, extremely lacking in scope.

He’s right though.

why the hell wouldnt they use youtube

“Down to just my pc”? Dude... Thats all you need!

I make a comment about a certain rhetoric and then you go right ahead and spew it and prove me right. Thank you.

They may have not started that way, but anyone who thinks Valve isn’t just after all your money like anyone else (EA, etc) is full of it.

They’ve been living on their old start up reputation (pre-steam takeover) forever and it’s getting old seeing the internet continually defend them.

I’m not saying they are the worst

They’re not coming out any quicker, though. 3 years between films was the interval with most of the original run, with 2 years between most of the TNG films. There was a 4 year gap between TMP& WoK, another between Insurrection and Nemesis, and again between the 2 JJ films. This one is right on the dot with the

If he’s not running into people, I don’t see a problem. Hating on people or banning things that you don’t like and haven’t caused you any trouble isn’t very productive. Have you actually seen this “fucker” run into anyone?