
Are you sleeping, Brother Aiwendil?

I'll never forget the part where he asks for take after take of the cellos. They threw some shade on Van Dyke Parks, too. I kind of liked that.

I loved that movie.

Yeah, that's the one!

That song about World War I is hard to take.

I skip that song about World War I every time. Like O&O less than Pet Sounds but more than S. Peppers.

It is. But "I Just Wasn't Made for These Times" is the one that gets me every time.

We're ALL editors!!! What could go wrong?!

This show is pretty well done. And a few outstanding episodes like the one with five perspectives and of course, the assault on the theatre, almost function at a "prestige TV" level. I think they do a really good job of layering on the machinations and duplicities without losing control of the narrative or rendering

Yeah I get that. Just didn't get it from they way the review was written.

I just can't deal with reviews that assume things like "Weaponized Sexuality" are intrinsically bad. I just don't get it. Not a Red Stater here, but this kind of political correctness drives them wild.

I would agree that the two actors that do the least for me are Mandy Moore and Milo. Maybe its because I don't like their characters although I've never liked Milo much in anything.

This show gets so much of its effectiveness by being tightly associated with Archie characters. I doubt it would have even a fraction of the resonance it has without it. There are some flat dumb scenes that would be even more ridiculous without the character's comic book imprints.

This show is solid. The pacing is assured and I honestly don't know what's coming next.

That is a great book.

Class Act was great.

I thought it was gutty but totally appropriate to have so many closing conversations by phone.

Exactly right. Novels, too.

It was perfect. Like the rest of this beautiful show.

I like this show, too. Not as great as something like "Rectify" or "Breaking Bad" but decent. The leads are great. The hate for this show is like a living, robust creature that shows no signs of dying. I don't quite understand it. It's a phenomenon.