
Dorian ruins an actress in the novel. Just sayin'.

Also takes some commitment

Why did no one ask Shae why she didn't warn the Hand (or someone, basically anyone) of Tyrion's plot but kept it all to herself until it was too late?

When she entered the building, she probably was not spattered with blood (you never know with her), also Troy possibly thought she was Rachel coming back from a bender.

Or the truck?

What a great ride that was! Can't wait for next year.

This show goes from strength to strength. It's the only thing I have seen in years that does weird and uncanny exactly right (at least for me). Cohle revisiting the crime scenes? That last minutes in the school? Deathgrip on the armrests of my couch. Also: It's not reading musty, forbidden tomes in ancient languages

"Heir of the Demon". That's such an awesome title. Call me a psychopath, but I'd like to be able to introduce myself like that in polite company.

Heh. Snorks. Those were the days.

Sherlock looks like a Tom And Jerry skit compared to this

What an incredible show! Unsettling, beautiful, surreal

B for Carrie off the reservation once again

Reverse psychology might work wonders in her case. "You stay right there in Tehran! DO NOT GET ON THAT PLANE!"




I suspect the pedo-medico…

B+ for immortal racists at 3 o'clock at the diner

I cheered.

All the characters apart from Coulson grate on me. It's all just so precious and quippy. I thought they were going somewhere when they introduced an organization that implanted exploding eyes into their people. For a moment it looked like there were some real stakes, instead of "another character discovers the wonders