Fleetwood T. Brougham

You obviously know nothing about guns apart from what the news tells you then. None of the weapons that I, or any of my friends own have ever induced fear or violence, and certainly haven’t on their own, because they’re metal and plastic. Last I checked inanimate objects don’t have a will and can’t act on their own.

No self defense Concealed Weapons? I am disappointed.

Road rash did it first.

I abwhore (wink wink) gratuitous filth, which for a time was appearing all over Jalopnik, but that one was fully merited.


Thank you for that. One of the things I generally dislike about much of what is posted on the various Gawker/Kinja connected sites is the apparent necessity to insert vulgarity into every piece.

My thoughts exactly.

I agree about hating cursing. Don’t get me wrong, I swear like sailor, but as a professional writer it just seems really lazy.

Different ways to define “classless”. This would be my definition:

You used the “en” word!

The longest humblebrag I’ve ever read...congrats

If you pop your collar, I will pop you. #hate80sfashion

A talent for writing -> more book sales (including from me) -> more money for more cars -> more entertaining articles for the rest of us. A true meritocracy in action.

On the contrary, I feel everything about this “column” represents “popped collar asshole”. It is all about him. Less than 10% of the words written were about the car. Any legit car enthusiast should dismiss him at this point as a total douchebag who would prefer to write about himself rather than the subject. Oh,

I had one guy run pace with me stoplight to stoplight in his classic Shelby 350, but he was more funny than douchey; he revved his engine to challenge me, I destroyed him (Model S), and at the next light he was like “Yeah....well...MINE SOUNDS BETTER!” - which was hilarious, and objectively true.

I certainly see your point, though I guess where I would disagree is that I don’t think Doug does it as an attempt to convince people that he has tons of money and lives a glamorous life. He’s not like the guy on Instagram who puts up pictures of himself holding $100 bills while standing next to the Mercedes he

Buys nice, expensive, flashy cars, then tells whole world about it——in what lexicon is that NOT conspicuous consumption? Given the stories he writes, it’s just good reading. Take away the column, and he’s that trust fund frat guy that everyone hated in college.

I don’t think it’s necessarily conspicuous consumption in Doug’s case, though, in that he only keeps the cars for year (I believe), so he’s really just playing the depreciation game. Also, I assume he writes off a large portion of the costs on his taxes since he’s technically owning them for his job. He buys awesome

...sitting on a slab of Japanese stone.

There is at least a half-popped collar asshole in there.