It costs $30k to get your car burned to the ground now? THANKS OBAMA!
It costs $30k to get your car burned to the ground now? THANKS OBAMA!
revised title: Dealer does their job properly, at a reasonable price, DeMuro doesn’t get enough attention.
Wonder what it will bring at Mecum—-it’s been on eBay multiple times now and never met reserve.
Eh, at least it’s more entertaining than drifting.
Dammit, came to make Maldonado joke, but too late. Nice job, +1.
What are you talking about? It looks great. It looks so much better than the last generation of Impala. I rented one the other day on a business trip and it was fantastic. I never thought I’d say this, but I could see myself buying an Impala now.
And Aaron, to balance out my critique, I couldn’t agree more on #6. You just KNOW that stupid actress sat in her apartment doing that damn monologue in the mirror for a solid month, thinking she nailed it, when in reality it is pure nails on a chalkboard.
With all due respect, in regards to #9——Norm MacDonald is one of the funniest people on Earth. Not knowing who he is and appreciating his style of humor says more about the observer than the observed.
#1 - I wouldn’t use “all”, but every car function I attend in my area (PCA, Cars and Coffee, BMWCCA, etc) is pretty much a big swordfight.
You had a named it Brad.
thanks—-great tip
I wasn’t assigning blame—-just saying that functionally, that’s a real demerit for it.
So it’s sorta like he’s just a really slow, unskilled sportbike rider. If you look at it from that perspective, it seems less retarded.
Here’s the real question: How do I get a job where I live in a tropical paradise and all I have to do is burn stuff on the beach once a day?
In Soviet Russia, copter heli you.
“Timo, I want you to hit the pace car.”
Rented a Sonata last week that had the feature. Little disappointed that not only did it require the phone to be plugged into the car’s usb port, but it also disabled just about any other app that would normally be running at the time (aka Pandora). So you want the Android auto guidance active— want to…