Fleetwood T. Brougham

but if you're feeling lazy or break your foot, you can sit comfortably.

Comparing this to historic African American oppression seems trite, since no African American ever had a choice in whether they were black.

Why stand up to pee when you can sit down?

Is she hot? She sounds hot.

How to prolong and preserve stances you disagree with: Call anyone and everyone taking said stances as "bigots" instead of having an intelligent debate.

Yeah....pretty sure they meant to say "Q-ship" instead of sleeper.

Ok, my fault on the link, and this really doesn't matter a ton to me in the grand scheme of things , but yes, there was a 2WD Yukon Denali. Also, I had a family member who had a 2011 that was 2wd. Here's a correct link—-you'll see the first option is 2wd or 4wd.

If only the White House was this concerned with States' rights in every other issue they face..........

You're correct about the engine, but incorrect about the drivetrain. You could get a 2wd Denali for several years now. (The 2014 "build and price" tool is still up for the 2014 http://www.gmc.com/2014-yukon-ful… )

I was on board until the squirt butter. Seems like a great way to completely jack up the natural flavor. Like putting A-1 on a nice ribeye.

This is why a 2WD SUV is about as useful as a spoiler on a chevette.

Does it still suck out loud when compared to it's GM counterparts (which incidentally, suck out loud compared to a lot of vehicles on the market) like the old one did?

True fact: The Iron Dome was initially created by the Iron Sheik.

Pshaw....I won't apologize for making judgements about drivers of early 2000's Daimler-Chrysler Mercedes products.

Pardon me boys, did you just bridgeshit-a-choo-choo.?

This was doomed to fail. Best case, you lose the cops, then have to lose them all over again when they catch up to you at the nearest supercharger station.

So I've been really trying to overcome my Euro bias in my car preferences, to the extent of actually doing a couple Autotrader searches this week for GT500's just to dip a toe in the water and see what they're going for. This article just pushed me back squarely into my old comfort zone. You'll never hear about a

Yet another VW US whiff. They truly don't get this country.

No more callers, we have a winner.