Here’s how to make the transition to a new email address simple and orderly.
Here’s how to make the transition to a new email address simple and orderly.
The humidity is kicking up for real in my neck of the woods. Heat is one thing, as we know, but it’s the humidity…
The pants-wetting analogy is gold. Here’s another:
Since California’s stay-at-home orders began in March a group of friends and I have had a standing Saturday night…
Most people have heard of stocks and bonds, but there are a ton of other ways to invest your money: Mutual funds,…
If you used a third-party service to file your taxes, the IRS will be able to use the info you provided them to send your payment. Think of it as if they’re walking back through everyone’s most recent return one by one and saying “OK, you get money, let’s see how we should send it” and operating with the info that’s…
Probably a stupid question, but I’ve been curious — if I’ve been getting my refunds via direct deposit after filing with a third party service, the IRS was given that banking information by the third party service, and that’s what they’ll use for this? Or does direct deposit for the stimulus check only work if you’ve…
I’m no right-winger, but I think this is a much more complex issue than has been perpetuated. Conservatives aren’t the only ones protesting this issue, though their (underlying, prejudicial) reasoning is certainly unique.