
Given that you don't support subsidised healthcare and have abandoned your civic responsibility to support the disadvantaged you have no moral high ground. You don't care about babies, you don't care about children ,you don't care about the disabled or the disadvantaged.

Really? That's what you're going with? Eye roll.

Links? Just be honest, you are anti-woman and think we should be defined by our reproductive function.

Late term abortions include those for foetuses which are alive in the womb but will die after childbirth. You never answered whether or not you would force a woman to carry to term and go through labor in such a case? Human nature means that people will end up pregnant, contraception fails and circumstances change.

For your perusal. "Contraception in The Netherlands: the low abortion rate explained."

"You have no proof that abortion, birth control, or welfare have reduced the unwanted pregnancy rate in fact there are stats that suggest these have led to the exact opposite scenario".

Dude, 90% of celebrities are "overexposed in the media and they feel like they're important enough for us to care about them when they're nothing but spoiled individuals who are removed from reality and care more about fortune and fame than anything else". I have commented on the Kardashians before even though I live

Racism is inherent in you claiming they're classless when so many white designers are trashy.

Calling them trash is inherently classist. You don't need to praise them, vehemently attacking them for no reason says more about you than them.

You just proved my point, you don't give a fuck about children once they're born. You and your ilk are disgusting hypocrites with blood on your hands. 37% of pregnancies are unintended per the Guttmacher Institute's most recent data. The fundamentalists on the Right have been actively limiting women's access to

Do you even go here?

Do you criticise parents who leave their children in daycare?

That's a disgusting thing to say about a child.

Trash? You're the come who comes off as totally lacking a modicum of social awareness and decency. I despise the way otherwise progressive commenters on Jezebel are so vehement in their attack of the Kardashians, it comes across as classist and dehumanising.

So mothers shouldn't seek out help? Does that mean that Kanye isn't really a Dad either? God, you come off like a right wing douchebag.

Are you one of those people who cat call women that they should smile? You sure sound like it.

It's incredibly distasteful, obnoxious and presumptive of you to contend that her parents aren't loving.