
Does your advanced degree include a postgrad teaching qualification that gives you a background in pedagogy and a period of on site supervision of your teaching with mentorship? I have a PhD, that doesn't mean I am qualified to teach subjects across the board and at all levels. I would not be conceited enough to deem

From what I remember it gave her digestive issues. Though other accounts appear to indicate she struggled with an eating disorder.

Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other human rights. It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and yields important development benefits. Yet millions of children and adults remain deprived of educational opportunities, many as a result of poverty. It is for

Education is a basic human right, denying access to children is tantamount to child abuse as is regularly used by religious fundamentalists to ensure indoctrination is maintained and preventing outside engagement. Fuck anyone who apologises for keeping children ignorant and without scope to thrive.

Home schooling is tantamount to child abuse. It's consistently used by religious fundamentalists to promote isolationism and prohibit engagement outside the faith. Further still, I don't understand why an actual teacher must have qualifications and pass tests but any random parent who never graduated high school can

Her 80s eyeliner is as bad as spider eyelashes.

I find her recent music video creepy for that very reason, she looks like an over-sexualised child doing coquettish eyes. Though that could be just because I'm old now. I'm sure Christian Aquilera looked as young and tiny when she started off.

The pic on the right is awe inspiring for so many reason, not least the fact that the bump looks like a giant third boob.

WE want actual justice.

The Cliffs of Moher is one of the most beautiful places I've ever visited. I recommend getting the boat trip from Doolin to really get a grasp of their majesty from below. I've seen them from the top also but the boat trip gave the most awe inspiring perspective. Plus as we went on the first boat on a Sunday morning

You must have never corrected a first year college student's essay. 2 lines, that's nothing.

Yet she still elicited a response from you.

So you're a prude then? Or have you just internalised so much misogyny that you think women are devalued by their sexuality?

You sure have internalised that misogyny.

What celebrity hasn't had work done, though.

You have now officially confirmed you just don't have a clue what that word means.

How is she pretentious when she has a track record of calling out sexual objectification, including criticising the head of the Roman Catholic Church during the 80s as a citizen of a country which the church monopolised government, education and health institutions? An act that led her to be ridiculed internationally

For many people the sexualisation of young MALE pop stars is something they would never have considered.

Because the industry is exploiting minors by capitalising on their sexuality.

You're equating clumsiness and douchebaggery? Really?